
This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Pastor Jennifer

    Here’s where you leave comments! Looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. Pr. Matthew

    I’m looking forward to reading and responding to your questions and your answers!

    1. Pastor Jennifer

      What if we ask some really hard questions?

      1. Pr. Matthew

        Those are the fun kinds!

        1. Pr. J

          What is antidisestablishmentarianism?

  3. Tracy Hagen

    I think Jesus laughs at many things we do. If you look at how simplistic things were and how grandeous we do things now…

    1. Pr. Matthew

      I know, right? I’m curious if things really are simplistic or we just make it seem that way?

    2. Pr. J

      For sure. I agree – the things we get bent out of shape on sometimes are just crazy pants!

  4. Tracy Hagen

    Great idea for a bumper sticker…
    Here is mine…
    He’s watching…and you should care.

    1. Pr. J

      Oooo… this is interesting. And kinda scary! Maybe also motivating. 🙂

      1. Tracy Hagen

        Definitely motivating…whatever place you are whether you currently sad, happy, confused or just doing the motions…sometimes you just need the kick in the arse as a reminder that everything you do he sees, good or bad and he is there to lift you when you need it.

  5. Tracy Hagen

    I agree with you about not talking enough about him living. I was in some bible study and someone talked about Jesus putting his pants on the same way…how he played like we played. It was an eye opener for me because I never thought of him as anything but a teacher, a healer, etc. I never thought of him as human…it is hard to wrap your brain around that, Jen I agree…getting yelled out???…never…lol

    1. Pr. J

      You don’t think that Jesus was ever a precocious 4 year old who needed his mommy? I agree that it is hard to wrap your mind around. Maybe this is partially due to the fact that we see human and divine as opposite things? Like maybe… naughty 4 yr old and angelic 4 year old are polar opposites. But maybe the human/divine dynamic isn’t always simply an opposite type thing. Maybe they are just different attributes?

  6. Tracy Hagen

    No longer having parents alive…stories of them and how they found fun and laughter is very important to me. I want my boys to know and feel they were what my parents lived for and they were so honored to be their grandparents. I want them to feel their love through the stories I tell them and hopefully one day they share those antics with their spouses.

    1. Pr. J

      I like this – finding fun in the little things. Like, maybe you can’t always control everything in life, but you can control your attitude. So, sometimes it’s about making your work fun even when you’re not really enjoying your work.

    2. Pr. Matthew

      That thought of passing on the story is so important. I wonder what biblical characters or stories might help encapsulate that for your boys. Tie God’s story and your story together.

  7. Tracy Gingrass

    Just started listening. I like the ongoing flow of this format, but I miss the interaction with everyone else already.

    Holy space – almost any place I am sitting and conversing with a friend, mentor, neighbor – one on one. Typically a restaurant or coffee shop when there is busy-ness around our space. I feel like I instinctively leave a space for the Holy Spirit to enter into the moment, for God to quell the noise around us so we can be present with each other.

    1. Pr. J

      ooo… I like this. Sometimes I think that we can hear the Spirit moving when we put intention to listening and intention to creating that space.

    2. Pr. Matthew

      Yeah, the format is certainly different Tracy. I’ll be curious what this looks like tonight, I like the idea of the “holy place” not being a place, but a relationship… a tearing of the temple curtain kind of moment!

  8. Tracy Gingrass

    I am also noticing that I cannot listen to the podcast and comment at the same time without the podcast starting over, so you’d have to listen beforehand and then keep refreshing the page. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    1. Pr. Matthew

      hmm. If you tap in the top it will play in a new tab…that might work better.

      1. Tracy Gingrass

        Ah SoundClud – yes. That’s better. Still have to refresh page for comments, but that’s manageable.

  9. Tracy Gingrass

    I like what P Matthew said at about 15:00 – “I don’t need my faith to be factual, but I want it to be True.” Nice.

    1. Pr. Matthew


  10. Tracy Hagen

    I also have to go in and out to see any comments. I feel very disconnected in this format. I might be doing something wrong

    1. Pr. Matthew

      I think the audio could work, but the comment section is much less user friendly than I like.

    2. Tracy Gingrass

      I feel disconnected too. Miss your faces.

    3. Pr. J

      This is good feedback. I am also refreshing a lot. I wonder if we could embed a chat window in our website. That might be interesting.

      1. Pr. Matthew

        I am currently looking at the possibility to add a real chat window as we speak.

        1. Tracy Gingrass

          YAY! Good luck. I hope that works. That would be way more awesome.

  11. Tracy Gingrass

    Bumper sticker/Tweet: “God Insists in order to Exist.” SO much packed in there… but I’m coming off of reading 3/4 of a VERY philosophically theological book and another Bible study previous to this. My head hurts.

    1. Pr. Matthew

      What do you mean “insist” That is intriguing to me…

      1. Tracy Gingrass

        Well, I, personally, don’t necessary mean anything by it, but I like the idea of this as per John Caputo’s “Religion of the Rose”. Maybe getting off topic here, but I found this intriguing. This is the best I can do, as I’m still understanding this myself: “To say that God insists, is to say that God is our hope, and that we hope to make this hope come true. To say that God is truth is to say that it falls upon us to make this truth come true.” Very philosophical and very late in the evening to try and comprehend this, I know.

        1. Pr. Matthew

          Hmmm, I may have to read that!

  12. Pr. Matthew

    Check the very top for a live chat window. Maybe it will feel more like real interaction!

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